xbmc(명칭이 Kodi로 변경되었다)
: 일종의 영상/음성 재생 플레이어다. 포털 다음의 팟플레이어처럼...
라즈베리 파이 기본에는 xbmc가 없으므로 인스톨해야 한다.
(인스톨 하기 전에
sources.list 파일에 리스트를 추가하고 키값을 설정하고
인스톨 하면 된다.)
라즈비안 스트레치(제시 아닌)에서는 무척 간단하게 설치가능하다. 라즈비안 버전 : raspbian stretch (no jessie)
1. sudo apt-get update (최신상태 유지를 위해)
2. sudo apt-get install kodi (kodi 설치)
3. sudo apt-cache search kodi (검색을 통해 정상설치됐는지 확인)
주의할 사항은 gpu memory를 160으로 설정(라즈베리파이2,3은 256설정) : raspi-config --> advanced option --> memory split
kodi 한글 설정
1. 설정 --> interfaces 설정 --> skin -- >fonts --> arial based 선택
2. 설정 --> 인터페이스 --> rigion --> korea
소리가 나오지 않는다면
설정에서 오디오 부분을 hdmi --> 아날로그로 설정해야한다.
만약에 리모콘을 이용한다면 (모니터 없이 사용할 필요도 있기 때문이다.)
먼저 핸드폰에 모바일 ssh를 설치하여 접속한 다음
sudo kodi 를 쳐주면 kodi가 실행된다.
이후에 리모콘인 kore를 설치 실행하여 작동시키면 된다.
$ sudo kodi
(수퍼유저로 실행시켜야 한다)
아래는 라즈베리파이 재단에서 말하는 설치방법
[Guide] Kodi on Raspbian Stretch
After so many posts about people getting problems on installing Kodi on Raspbian, specially on the new Raspbian Stretch, this is a complete guide on how to do it, and an attempt to keep things together in the same place. You will see that after all, it is not so hard.
In the time of the first Raspbian Stretch image released by the RPi Foundation, there was only available the generic Debian Kodi version (17.1) which is compiled against OpenGL, so not optimal to run on the RPi (at least by this time), it runs very slow. But now, a new version is available (17.4) on the repos, compiled against OpenGLES, optimized for the RPi.
To install it you first need to update/refresh packages, and then install the main package. This can be done in a virtual terminal by running the respective commands:
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get update
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install kodi
Code: Select all
apt-cache search kodi
For example in this case, we will install the joystick support, IPTV Simple PVR and the inputstream addons:
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install kodi-peripheral-joystick kodi-pvr-iptvsimple kodi-inputstream-adaptive kodi-inputstream-rtmp
Alternatively and easier, if you are running Raspbian with Desktop, you can just open the graphical package manager "Dont know the name of it" on the upper left corner menu, search for "Kodi" and install the packages you want.
This is very important!
Kodi on Raspbian requires a minimum of 160 MB of RAM dedicated to the GPU to function properly! This can be done by running "raspi-config" -> "Advanced Options" -> "Memory Split" -> 160.
If you have a RPi 2/3, the recommended is 256 MB of RAM for the GPU.
Option 1:
If you want to auto-start Kodi automatically at boot, go to rc-gui on Raspbian desktop or raspi-config on a virtual terminal, and choose the option to boot to CLI/console.
Then copy/paste the following to a virtual termianl to create a systemd service for auto start:
sudo tee -a /lib/systemd/system/kodi.service <<_EOF_
Description = Kodi Media Center
After = remote-fs.target network-online.target
Wants = network-online.target
User = pi
Group = pi
Type = simple
ExecStart = /usr/bin/kodi
Restart = on-abort
RestartSec = 5
WantedBy = multi-user.target
Press Enter after paste. Then enable the service:
Code: Select all
sudo systemctl enable kodi.service
Then reboot. If you want to auto start Kodi at boot with a different user change the "User" and "Group" fields above accordingly.
In this case If you are unable to mount/access disks and also have the options to reboot and shutdown missing, check this:
Option 2:
If you want autostart Kodi at boot but also keep the Desktop Environment on the background, just edit the file ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart and add a line in the end with:
Code: Select all
This option is a bit more resource intensive because the DE is loaded on the background.
The source code of this packages/binaries are available here:
Krypton (Kodi 17) branch used is "krypton_new". For Leia (Kodi 18) it will be "leia_new", etc.
Each of this branches are the original Kodi respective branch + popcornmix Raspberry pi patches/fixes/tweaks + some litle patches/fixes/tweaks for Raspbian.
If you have any problem, please include your Kodi log. Information on how to do it here: http://kodi.wiki/view/Log_file
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